Title: Drive-by SHM of Transport Infrastructure Using Vehicle-based Sensing Methods
Organisers: Abdollah Malekjafarian (University College Dublin), Eugene OBrien (University College Dublin), Chul-Woo Kim (Kyoto University), Hae Young Yang (Stanford University)
Today’s transport networks play a key role in supporting economic growth. A smart transportation system that is capable of monitoring the condition of its critical infrastructure can facilitate preventive maintenance activities and minimize disruption to service. Deterioration and damage will inevitably occur in transport infrastructure such as road pavements and road/railway bridges. Advances in structural health monitoring (SHM) have enabled the automated diagnosis of damage in infrastructure, but efficient and scalable solutions have been limited. Recently, vehicle-based drive-by SHM approaches have received increasing attention as a practical solution due to their advantages in cost, low-maintenance, and scalability. These approaches assess infrastructure damage states using the data collected from sensors on board passing vehicles.
The aim of this symposium is to bring together academic scientists and industry leaders to present their recent advances in the field of indirect structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure. It covers a broad research area from simple models to applications, numerical modelling, laboratory-scale experimental case studies and field tests. The session will focus on, but is not limited to, the following topics: